Andrew Barber
Andrew Barber grew up near Seattle with a father that was a mechanical engineer and mother who was passionate about art. He holds a business degree from the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington. He is also the co-owner of CounterKULTURE design studio and has traveled the world with both surfboards, snowboards, and his daughter under his arms. When he is not building he can be found deep in the woods on a mountain bike, or roaming the beaches of Baja California in search of the perfect wave.
John Ford
John Ford is equal parts artist and journeyman carpenter. When he isn't supervising theCharacterBUILDERS jobsites, he can be be found playing music with his band the CRAGS or spending time with his family in remote desert outposts.
Gavin McCalden
Gavin McCalden grew up in Fort Collins, Colorado, moving to Durango in 2004 to study ceramics at Fort Lewis College. He holds a degree in Art Business and focused his energies on the art world before making his way into industrial design and decorative concrete. He is a master potter and craftsman of fine art. He can often be found skiing through the back woods of the San Juan Mountains or on his raft with a big fat smile on his face.